Letter “A” Apple Trees

While continuing our Letter A week, with Confession of a Homeschooler’s LOTW Curriculum, I made an extra large apple tree for each kiddo then gave them some cut out apples in which they had to write upper and lowercase letter A’s on.

It’s been a little over a month since we studied the Letter A and our Apple Trees still look adorable in our playroom!

Letter A Apple

Along with our Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler curriculum we made a cute lowercase A apple.

I drew the a pieces of the A on red construction paper, the stem and seeds on brown paper and the leaf on green paper then supervised the children as they cut the pieces out and glued them onto blank paper to form an apple in the shape of an a.

We’ve been doing more “intended outcome” crafts to practice our following direction skills and this was a great exercise for that.

For more Letter A activities and a look at the curriculum we used for our Letter A week click here.

Gross Motor Skill Egg Hunt

Easter has passed, but I bet you still have some left over plastic eggs laying around! Last week we had a great time hunting eggs filled with paper that had a gross motor skill written on it. The kids took turns hunting & opening the eggs, but we all did the action together.

We had about 13 eggs, here are out gross motor skill suggestions:
-10 jumping jacks
-crab walk
-bear crawl
-slow walk
-fast walk
-slow run
-fast run

Check out our other Easter Egg activities by clicking here!

What My Kids Call CLEAN MUD!

20130403-114103.jpg I’m very fortunate to provide child care for a wonderful 2yo girl while her mommy goes to work as an occupational therapist during the week. With a mom who is an occupational therapist you can only imagine how many fun things and ideas she has of her own so when she brought us this cornstarch and (safe) dish soap mixture to play with last week we were so excited!

She suggested we add a bit of water to the dough to soften it up, but these kiddos seemed to be in the mood for more MESS so I continued to add water until it was the consistency of pancake batter. Lemon dish soap was used to make this batch so the smell was just delightful and the dough/batter was yellow. We can’t wait to make other flavors and colors.

The kids squeezed, mixed, mushed, splashed and dribbled the mixture everywhere as they pretended it was pancake batter, cupcake batter, shaving cream, lotion, lemon juice and the one that stuck most was CLEAN MUD! Clean mud is actually a toilet paper and soap mixture (which we are making this week), but my kiddos insisted THIS was in fact clean mud! Cornstarch dries quickly when left alone for a few minutes so clean up is extremely easy!

A BIG thank you to Mrs.Ann for introducing us to this amazing sensory recipe!

Sticker Name Trace

Like our Sticker Shape Trace I had a ton of Easter stickers we needed to use so the kiddos used them to trace their names.

This activity is so easy to put together and it lasts awhile, long enough to prep a lesson or do some laundry. The kids wanted to trace even more letters with stickers when they finished their names. This is a MUST DO activity!!!


Bunny Family Project


This little craft was so much fun and turned out so cute! The whole family made these together and they are happily displayed on our mantel. All you needs is toilet paper rolls, paint, scissors, marker, goggly eyes, and sticky dots (or glue).


Paint your toilet paper rolls and bunny ears (made by an extra toilet paper roll). Let dry. Attach ears with sticky dots or glue. Add eyes and draw on face. Display for everyone to enjoy!

Sponge Seed Pods


This is a really fun easy activity to do with your little ones for spring. All you need is a packet or two of seeds (herbs preferably), a few new sponges, scissors and a marker. I traced different shapes the kids chose and cut them out. We discussed different shapes and counted the sides. Once you have them cut out put them on a tray or plate that will hold a bit of water. Sprinkle each sponge with seeds, and spray with water until its damp but not soaked. I also pour a little water on the tray to help keep them moist.


Make sure sponges stay damp and place in direct sunlight during the day. At night turn a plastic container over them at night to keep moist. Happy growing!


Q-Tip Easter Egg Painting

20130328-130307.jpg We’ve lacked practicing our fine motor skills this week so I was hoping to find a fun and creative Easter activity specifically for fine motor skills. I came across Q-Tip Easter Egg Paintings on No Time For Flashcards and was so excited for the kiddos to do this and decorate our playroom walls with them. We made giant Easter eggs and they turned out BEAUTIFULLY!

20130328-130806.jpg The kids thought it was going to be extremely easy painting with q-tips, but they soon realized they couldn’t hold them like a regular paintbrush and had to pinch them instead.

ABC Egg Hunt & Match

We had a BLAST with this easy ABC activity. I filled Easter eggs with letters A-Z, hid the eggs then let the kiddos hunt them till all were found. When the eggs were all accounted for the kiddos would open them and match the correct letter to the letters on our playroom ABC rug. If you don’t have an ABC rug you could use flash cards instead. The kids loved it so much they couldn’t wait to do it again!